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November 15th, 2024

TESSA MEMORANDUM: Towards Efficient, Simpler, Strategic Assistance under post-2027 Cohesion Policy 

On November 15, 2024, an expert report on the future of cohesion policy post-2027 was presented at the Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy. This report offers an independent perspective in the ongoing discourse concerning the forthcoming EU programming period. It was my distinct privilege to contribute to the development of this position, and I encourage all interested parties to review it: the Tessa Memorandum. 

4th meeting - Role of place-based policies and development strategies -  Elard

October 20-22th, 2024

IV Polish Conference on Urban and Regional Research POLREG 2024

From October 20 to 22, we had the pleasure of hosting nearly 100 participants of 4th Polish Conference on Urban and Regional Research POLREG 2024 at the Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management of Adam Mickieiwcz University, representing 33 centres and institutions from all over Poland. This year's edition of the conference was held under the theme "Towards Integrated Development Planning",

Conference Report: Day one; Day two: part Ipart II, Day three. 

POLREG 2024 | Wydział Geografii Społeczno-Ekonomicznej i Gospodarki  Przestrzennej


Few words about me...

I was born on October 1th 1967 in Wloclawek.
I graduated from Liceum Ziemi Kujawskiej in Wloclawek (1986). 
In the years 1986-1991 I was a student of geography, specialization - socio-economic geography at the Faculty of Geography and Geology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. I graduated with very good results, presenting MA thesis on the topic: "The level and living conditions of citizens in Lwówek Wielkopolski" and passing my MA exam with highest grade (1991). My thesis was awarded first prize in the National Contest for Master of Geography organized by Polish Geographical Society in 1992. 
I have been an employee of the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan since 1990 (from 2019 Faculty). In the years 1990 - 1998 I had been employed as a trainee assistant, then assistant and then as a Phd student in the Department of Regional Analysis
In November of 1998 I obtained a doctorate in in Earth Sciences in the field of geography at the Faculty of Geography and Geology at Adam Mickiewicz University presenting a dissertation on the topic: "Local labor markets in Poznan province in the period of socio-economic transformation" and I continued to work at the Department of Regional Analysis as an adjunct.
January 20, 2009 based on the habilitation thesis entitled "Factors of regional development and regional policy in Poland during the period of integration with the European Union" and the habilitation thesis conducted by the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences Council of the Adam Mickiewicz University, I obtained the degree of habilitated doctor of Earth sciences in the field of geography.
By order of 25 October 2019. The President of the Republic of Poland gave me the title of professor of social science.
At present I hold a position of full professor of social science (Habilitation in Earth Sciences) at the Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. I am also the dean of the Faculty of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management and head of the Department of Regional and Local Studies (till 2019 Department of Regional Analysis).
My research specialisms are socio-economic geography, spatial management, regional growth and regional policy. My Habilitation Degree was awarded on 20 th of January 2009 at the Faulty of Geographical and Geological Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University, on the basis of the monograph: Factors of Regional Growth and Regional Policy in Poland during EU integration, Adam Mickiewicz University Press 2008.  In addition to my research interests I keep abreast of relevant disciplines through professional development in IT and econometric applications, land management, as well as HR management. I first started to work in higher education in the final year of my MA degree studies. My research interests are focused on the issues of regional growth factors, transformations in regional policy in Poland and the EU, problem areas in local and regional development, the nature of the job market and changes arising during socio-economic transformation, as well as the quality determining factors of lifestyle.  My research  in this respect concerns the aspect of European socio-economic processes arising in Poland – with a special focus on the role of financial aid from the structural fund in financing of projects in Poland and other new EU member states. Moreover, an important field of my research is the importance of tourism in the process of local and regional growth, as well opportunities for supporting investment in this context through aid programme funding and structural funds.  Another key aspect of  my research is IT and its applications in land management, as well as solutions in mathematics and statistics relating to the analysis of differentiating the process of socio-economic growth (GIS, STATGRAPH, STATISTICA). I am the author of over a two hundred publications, including nine monographs (bibliography attached). I am the manager of the project of the European Research Council, the Committee for Scientific Research and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. I prepare and carry out the research and teaching projects funded in the framework of competitions from the structural funds. I'm the editor of the journal Rozwój Regionalny i Polityka Regionalna. I'm a member of editorial board of the journal Studia Regionalne i Lokalne I'm a reviewer for the European Research Council, National Science Centre, National Centre for Research and Development, National Agency of Academic Exchange and the reviewer of many publications and journals, including, among others: Regional Studies, Papers in Regional Science, European Planning Studies, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, Moravian Geographical Report and many others. At the invitation of the Minister, I was a member of the Task Team for problem areas of the Ministry of Regional Development. I was a member of the Steering Committee for the organization of the Conference of the International Geographical Union KRAKÓW 2014. I have the honor and pleasure to work in the framework of the Spatial Planning Committee of the Polish National Academy of Sciences, acting in its structure as the Vice-President. I am a member of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), in which organization in the period 2018-2022 I was a member of the Council of Representatives. I am a member of the American Association of GeographersI belong to the group of founders of the European Regional Studies Association - Polish Section, in which in the years 2012-2016 I was the Vice-President of Association. I work in the University Union for the Development of the Studies in Spatial Management, acting as a head of the Executive Team and coordinating the work of the group for the improvement of curricula. I am the Chairman of the Conference of Heads of Geographical Units in Poland.
In the context of the research conducted, I place a great importance on creating opportunities for practical applications of the research results gained.  In this approach I prepare expertise and conduct research as a member of specialist task forces for inter alia: the Ministry of Regional Development (Ministry Focus Group: problem areas and strategic intervention), National Chamber of Commerce (an expert in urban policy role in development), Marshall Office of the Wielkopolska Province (Education and Research Section), Marshall Office of the Podkarpackie Province (an expert in strategic programs), Marshall Office Lublin Province (Programme Board, Regional Management System for Economic Change Project), Marshall Office Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province (Kujawsko-Pomorskie Agency for Innovation), Poznań Agglomeration Board (Research Group for Poznań Agglomeration Development Strategy, Centre for Urban Research), Poznań City Council (Focus Group established by the Department of Enterprise for the organisation of a ‘Research Observatory’ for the Economy and Job Market), Ostrów Wielkopolski City Council (an expert in project Kalisz-Ostrów Agglomeration) as well as other bodies (expertise provided in the project, Foresight Wielkopolska Economic Network – scenarios of transformation of knowledge supporting innovative economy, conducted by the Institute of Engineering Management at the Poznań University of Technology, as part of PO IG, Action 1.1.1. Further, I provide expertise for the National Science Centre by participating in the evaluation of research projects as part of the Human, Social Sciences Panel and that of Art, Individuals – Institutions – Markets; Research Disciplines – Finances and Management, Demography. 
In the years 1993 – 1999, apart from my primary job, which is with the University, I also worked in private post-secondary vocational school in Włocławek, where I was Deputy Director and then Director of the School. In the years 1999 - 2006 I was employed at the School of Humanities and Economics in Włocławek, in which I actively participated in the organizational work, acting as Vice-Dean, Representative of the Rector, Vice-Rector and Chancellor. In the years 2007-2014 worked in the School of Humanities and Journalism in Poznan as a lecturer and then associate professor, acting as representative of the Rector and Vice-Rector.
In addition to my research I am intensively engaged in teaching, which is for me a source of enormous satisfaction and the one which I highly value. I teach: Socio-Economic Geography, Politics of Geography, Spatial Economy, Regional Development, Regional Policy, The Job Market, Social and Human Capital, Geographical Information Systems.  Further, as supervisor I help students complete BA, MA and PhD dissertations in Spatial Economy and Differentiation of Development Processes and Coherence Policy (I promoted numerous BA students and MA students, two PhD students and I was a reviewer in three doctoral proceedings).
Moreover, I have created the Regional Development specialism in Spatial Management, realised at the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management under the aegis of the Wielkopolska Province Marshall Office in the context of disciplines commissioned by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, financed by a grant from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.  

You can access my work by means of

ACADEMIA                  RESEARCH GATE                  GOOGLE SCHOLAR                     BIBLIOGRAPHY

ORCID: 0000-0002-4152-1211


Karolina Churska-Nowak was born on September 11th 1979 in Wloclawek, yet all her life and work were associated with Poznań. She graduated from VI Secondary School in Poznan. She got her MA and PhD in political sciencies.
Dr. Karolina Churska-Nowak is the author of two monographs, editor of the collective monography on topic: Professionalisation and mediatization of political campaigns in Poland, author of over twenty scientific papers, organizer and co-organizer of numerous conferences. She was very active in the polish scientific community in the field of political marketing and communication and also participated in national research grants. She was also preparing habilitation thesis about the determinants of consumer behavior in politics.
Unfortunately short and very active Karolina's life was tragically terminated. On June 16th 2012 together with her son Jędrek and her friend Olga and her son Antek went out on a weekend trip to nearby Biskupin. In the evening, while returing home, in Bugaj short distatnce from Poznań, were killed by drunk driver. Everybody was killed. Two gorgeous girls on the threshold of their life, full of professional and personal plans as well as two boys, fellows first-class DaVinci Primary School in Poznan, were deprived of their future. They left us with unfinished conversations, shared plans and ... pervasive emptiness. No one and nothing is able to reduce our pain and longing. Every day closer to you ...

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